
Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The 3 Olympic Values

These are the 3 values at the olympics.
Friendship, Respect and Excellence

Friday, 19 August 2016

Japanese words

Japanese words

Today we learned some Japanese words.



Thank you-Arigatou

My Name is-Watashi no namae wa

How are you-Ogenki desu ka



Origami Frog

Origami Frog

19 Aug 2016 09:55:18.jpg
Konichiwa,Today my Japanese teacher Mr Yamasaki thought us how to make a Origami frog.It can Jump and go front and Back.This is a very cool Origami frog and this is how it jumps.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Equivalent Fraction games

Equivalent Fraction Games
Screenshot 2016-08-09 at 09.55.33.png

This is a game where you can learn about equivalent fractions.You have to try and get all the Equivalent fractions right to get it right.This is a good game for learning how to do equivalent fractions.