
Friday 22 May 2015

The Damage Of The Hurricane

As I marched outside I was shaking all of a sudden. There were large cracks appearing on the concrete. I had sensed that a tornado or hurricane was about to strike.

I sprinted home to warn my parents. As I got home they already knew the bad news. They were watching the news and the weather report had announced that a hurricane was hitting Auckland. We were all panicking.

Many months before we had packed a large emergency kit in case of a bad emergencies. So we packed that and many other supplies into the back of the boot of our car. We drove off out of Auckland to our backup home.  

A few days after the hurricane had finished, we drove back home to see all the damage that had happened to it. Trees were smashed into it, the roof was ripped off and everything was just ruined. We couldn't believe our eyes. We drove back to our other home.There was a tropical storm that was just appearing.

It was the worst experience of a hurricane happening in my entire life.After two years we went to go and see if “OH no here it’s happening again” you could see lightning striking houses and trees and you could see it smashing people and killing them.My mother reassured me that all would be good.We toke off and we were speeding thourth the moter way.My mum was holding me tight I was so terrified.


Unknown said...

I like hurricanes

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