
Friday 24 July 2015


This a story is mixed up with My friend,River,character,hurricane

One day I went to my best friends Shanelle’s house.
Shanelle  looks like a professional model in dancing with the stars. She always impressed me when she danced. My friend moves in  a nice slow motion way.
She alway buys rich clothes and perfumes and
she smells like a red rosey pink rose.

We decide it was a bright day so we'd play outside.
While we played we decided to play on the jungle gym because it got boring . I  called my mum  from the bright blue car to say if she could play with me
When people look at my mum they think I have a mum that plays for the silver ferns.
She smells like a red rose that grows in our house.
She runs like a lion and that she's a hero.
I can see her nice voice .
People around her ask are you the gaol shoot in the silver ferns.

Mum didn't want to come . she came she said there is a storm coming so get your friend and let’s go.
we were going home then a storm hit we were scared and mad because we were going to play on the slide.

As I marched outside I was shaking all of a sudden. There were large cracks appearing on the concrete. I had sensed that a tornado or hurricane was about to strike.
I sprinted home to warn my parents. As I got home they already knew the bad news. They were watching the news and the weather report had announced that a hurricane was hitting Auckland. We were all panicking.
Many months before we had packed a large emergency kit in case of a bad emergencies. So we packed that and many other supplies into the back of the boot of our car. We drove off out of Auckland to our backup home.  
A few days after the hurricane had finished, we drove back home to see all the damage that had happened to it. Trees were smashed into it, the roof was ripped off and everything was just ruined. We couldn't believe our eyes. We drove back to our other home.There was a tropical storm that was just appearing.
It was the worst experience of a hurricane happening in my entire life.After two years we went to go and see if “OH no here it’s happening again” you could see lightning striking houses and trees and you could see it smashing people and killing them.My mother reassured me that all would be good.We toke off and we were speeding thourth the moter way.My mum was holding me tight I was so terrified.
when we saw the bridge we also saw the river going on to the bridge that made it break so we called shanelles dad.

The River hits the bank and rips the trees from its stump and tacks all the sand from the natcher.Dolphins swim and they are not happy so they keep safe under the deep blue sea.It turns into black water that looks like aserd sperdinding.There are cars that are brocken cows with no life and kids and people how have died.It is like a devil is coming to kill and take all the souls.


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