On the 22.10.15 we went to the supermarket in Glen innes. There was a man who was shouting “DO YOU HAVE A DUTY CAR COME AND WE WILL WASH YOUR CAR”!To every car.There was a lot of cars they all said “Be quiet “ When there was no more traffik, jam we went inside we saw the bananas because it was the first thing on the list it was not clean it was smelly dirty and rotten.
We went in aisle 6 and got the lunches for school it was nutella,bar,strawberries and then I saw the uno the yogurt, it was mouth-watering I was full of hands so I said to Mum”Can I go and get a trolley”She said”yes but be quick’’So I ran with the shopping basket in my, hands it was busy and I got stuck in the crowd and then I told them to MOVE!.
Every one went out of my way and then there was this lady the was crazy she was old mean crazy and, was wearing rags and was large and heavy.Once I we, finished our shopping.We went and payed at the ATM and did my mum’s pin it cost 50.20$.
I was lucky and got two packets of lollies I was happy in the end.I felt like it was the first time it funny crazy and strange.
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