
Friday 16 September 2016

My Pet Dinosaur

“Hey Mum can I get a dinosaur I really want one please” Said Lance “Umm a dinosaur well then it can be Big,Scary and it can't eat people” said Mum.”Okey Mum Thank you”.So then in the afternoon they went to the Zoo and asked to see the cute dinosaurs.Then they went to say hello.He bumped into someone by accident and helped Him Up.

“Hello, Do you want some food?” Then the dinosaur shacked his head up and down.”Okey here”.They asked how much it was they said $4,000,000 dollars.”I'm sorry son I just can't afford that” the man that he had bumped was listening how they could not afford the money so then he bought the dinosaur the little boy was really sad because the man bought it and he but he didn't know that it was for him the guy found the house where the boy lived and rang the doorbell and then the little boy ran to the door and opened it the man said “Did you want a dinosaur well here you go” the man said “Really thank you” said Lance and told his mum to come down stairs.He went and played with the dinosaur and the mum and man were inside having peace inquire.

Then he had his dinosaur and lived peacefully and happily.

The End


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