
Friday 28 October 2016

A Grin from ear to ear

A Grin from Ear to Ear.

  1. What is a “Grin”= A Smile

2.  Who is “grinning”? = Tipene and his Koro

3.What was Tipene and his Koro doing? = Fishing

4..What is a “Pannie”? =Pizza bread

5.  Why did Tipene feel a tug on his line? =because a fish was trying to get the bait and then it got stuck on the line.

6.  What “Battle” was Tipene talking about on page 13? = He meant that he had to find another fish because the fish had got and way and it s a battle to find another one.

7.  Why was Tipene jumping up and down (page 14)?= Because he got a big snapper.

8.  Why did Koro say “We’ll be swimming soon . . .”? = Because that would be tipene's treat going for a swim.

9.  Why was Tipene grinning from “Ear to ear”? = Because he was happy.

10.  Why did Koro ask him to let the fish go? =because he wants the fish to have more fish so that

11.  You are Tipene.  Write how feel when you caught the biggest snapper you have seen.  Draw a picture.= I WOULD BE HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.


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