
Friday 11 November 2016

The Hungry Wave

The Hungry Wave

1. Why would Sina wish she had fewer brothers?
Because her brothers were taking too much time.She wanted 2 braids but her mum couldn't because they were late so her mum but it in a bun and she didn't get her 2 braids.

2. What is happening when the author describes the reef as ‘rising out of the ocean’?
The tsunami is rising from the water and going towards the village.

3. Put yourself in Ana or Niko’s would you feel seeing the giant wave rolling towards you?

4.Why would Ana and Niko run towards the mountainside?
Because it was the highest place.

5.Where does a tsunami come from?
It comes from the sea

6. How do you think Ana’s mum made it to safety with her baby?
With a plane or helicopter

7. Do some research. What are precautions we can take to make sure we are prepared for a tsunami?
When in coastal areas, stay alert for tsunami warnings.
Plan an evacuation route that leads to higher ground.
Know the warning signs of a tsunami: rapidly rising or falling coastal waters and rumblings of an offshore earthquake.
Never stay near shore to watch a tsunami come in.


Unknown said...

Your story was really good keep it up.

Unknown said...

I liked the way you answered these questions! Nice work
Mya !! See you at lunch!

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